Tag Archives: Miss Piggy

Kill Refurb Marry: The Muppets!


kill refurb marry logoMy first thought when I learned there would be a bonus Kill Refurb Marry this month involving The Muppets was this: Holy shit, I can’t kill a Muppet!!  Although based on some incredibly awful winter coats I’ve seen that doesn’t appear to be a universal problem.  I’m also glad an option is Refurb and not boink a Muppet that would be super weird.  Besides, the Muppets and I go way back…

I used to watch The Muppet Show with my parents when I was a little kid.  Not Sesame Street though, apparently I expressed a negative stance to sweeping the clouds away.  I had a very sophisticated viewership because I pronounced, “Sesame Street is for babies.”  (This is a direct quote) The Muppet Show was one of the few kids’ programs I distinctly remember my dad was willing to watch.  When the series was available on VHS (yeah, VHS) my family snapped it up.  My brother and I would watch the tapes religiously; we’d even act out the skits along with the Muppets.   Although I am against Muppetly harm, even Sophie had to make a choice.

Kill Strongly Dislike:  Kai-Lee 

It's Kaaiiii-LEEEE!

It’s Kaaiiii-LEEEE!  (photo: Muppet Wiki)

Good lord this was a tough one.  Guys, I can’t in good conscience kill a Muppet but I do want to smack Kai-Lee.  If you’re not familiar with this irritatingly hyper Muppet let me help you.  She was featured in the Play-Along series, specifically the Sing-Along, Dance-Along, Do-Along video.  There were some really great songs and skits that are still inside jokes between my brother and me.  Unfortunately (or not) this was the only video in this particular series we owned and it was not a fantastic point of reference for obnoxious Kai-Lee.  Her brother PJ would constantly call her “Kai” and she would annoyingly insist on being referred to by her full first name.  Don’t get me wrong; I have a younger brother too but OMG STOP IT!!!  My ears are bleeding just remembering the sound of her whining.  Girl is giving big sisters a bad name.  Plus she has cold unfeeling dead eyes.  Go to your room and think about what you’ve done Kaaaiii-Leeee!

Refurb (aka a Muppet I’d like to see more of):  Scooter


Awww, so much cute! (photo: found on tumblr)

I had a Scooter doll and he was adorable!  He has that awkward geeky thing which is really relatable and is so underutilized.   Granted he’s always busy helping to run things behinds the scenes (and the occasional skit) but I think he could use a little more time in front of the camera.  Geek chic could really work well for him, Scooter has a slightly hipster vibe.  The glasses, jacket (I always wanted one for myself), and even skinny jeans work in his favor.  Scooter was cool and didn’t even know it!  Just a slight tweak and I think he could really come into his own.

Runner Up: Bean Bunny

He’s just so freaking cute and I would love to see him (used more currently-he did have some feature performances in the 80’s) outside of Muppet Vision 3D!

Marry: Gonzo


Gonzo is a badass, ladies love badasses. (photo: Muppet Wiki)

I’m sure Miss Piggy will be karate chopping a lot of you for marrying Kermit and he’s quite lovely, however, my heart belongs to Gonzo!   (Once upon a time I also had a Gonzo doll)  Maybe Gonzo is a little weird but is anyone really “normal?”  He’s a snazzy dresser with a quirky sense of humor and he makes me laugh.  What can I say?  I like that in a man (alien, Muppet, whatever).   His “art” would never go underappreciated with me by his side.  Honestly, who wouldn’t want to be married to someone with the title of  “The Great Gonzo” (or “Gonzo the Great” if you so prefer)? We’d get along great and things would never be boring.  Camilla, you better get to flying the coop because there’s a new chick in Gonzo’s life.

I say this just about every time but choosing these Muppets was incredibly difficult!  This Happy Place and Mouse on the Mind, you ladies are really picking my brain.  So, how would you make this decision?  As always, don’t forget to check out the other bloggers’ opinions on the hop!